Islamic Center of Omaha


(Indeed we belong to ALLAH and HIM we shall return)

Funeral Arrangement

Please click on the following link to review the funeral arrangement logistics and procedures including breakdown of expenses.

Kremer Funeral Home

Funeral home services for ICO are provided by Kremer Funeral home located at: 

6302 Maple St. Omaha NE 68104. 

 Phone: (402) 553-3155

Graceland Park Cemetery

The Muslim Cemetery is located on the west part of the cemetery. Graceland Cemetery is located at:

4723 South 42nd St. Omaha, NE 68107

Phone: (402) 731-0264

Funeral Guide for Muslims

ICO facilitates funeral services in accordance with Islamic guidelines. Please review the Islamic funeral guide for Muslims.

Other Resources

ICO strongly recommends that you consult a lawyer to compose your last will and testament in accordance with Islamic Law. Below are some resources to help you: